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Deciding what you really and making it happen in 2022

3 Jan

This is a great exercise for helping you work out what it is you really want for your life and your future going forward.

Woman writing her goals down in a book

Divorce and separation can make you question every area of your life and what you know. With so much change happening at once, trying to decide what you want can leave you feeling like you are at the mercy of things outside of your control.

This lack of decision making can be crippling and result in procrastination. Being a good decision-maker is what sets successful people apart from the rest, yet sadly it is a skill many of us have not been taught. However, it is something you can learn.

To help you determine what you want, I have a great exercise for  you to reflect on and gain perspective.

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Download this exercise to help you decide what you want for your life

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Exercise to help you decide what you want

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