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Finding love again after divorce our story

30 Mar

Finding love again after divorce, I share my story with my husband Ben as well as how take care of our marriage.

Nichole Farrow and Ben Farrow sitting down at a table

One of the biggest fears for many people going through separation or divorce is whether they will ever find love again – depending on the circumstances you may even question whether you are in fact lovable. Divorce can feel like a failure or a rejection and leave deep wounds that need time and help to heal. 

I know this is how I felt when I got divorced. I wasn’t  ready to hand the towel in on relationships but the idea of dating or having to tell someone I was divorced was not something I relished. When I met Ben 18 months after my divorce at a family wedding abroad we spent the week getting to know one another and hit it off straight away. I knew he liked me but I didn’t know if my previous marital status would deter him. He was younger than me and hadn’t been married before. In this interview he shares what it was like for him getting together with a divorcee and if that had any bearing on his decision to be with me.  

We also discuss the question I am often asked by my clients:, do I use my coaching on our own relationship and how do we make it work.

Watch the video below to find out.

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