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How to deal with Relocation and co-parenting

28 Jan

Relocation with children is not easy for anyone involved Natalie Brabner, Partner at Brabners LLP explains how to do it well.

Girl on laptop

Relocation with children can be difficult for everyone involved and it can really feel as though there is one winner and one loser. Putting your children first in these circumstances is really difficult and ultimately the only thing the courts care about.

These decisions are not easy and there are a lot of elements to consider whilst emotions are running high. The children can really suffer as a result if this is not handled well. In this interview Natalie Dickson, Partner at Brabners LLP shares her vast experience in dealing with both internal (national) and external (international relocations from both sides.

If you are considering relocation or have been presented with a relocation request this is a must watch for you. Natalie outlines the process, what is involved, what the courts take into account, the timeline and the outcomes.

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