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How to deal with parental alienation with Zoe Fleetwood

16 Oct

How do you deal with parental alienation? In this interview Zoe Fleetwood, Partner at Mills and Reeves shares her advice.

Zoe Fleetwood, Partner at Mills and Reeves

Parental alienation is where there is an ongoing pattern of negative attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of one parent (or carer) that have the potential or expressed intent to undermine or obstruct the child’s relationship with the other parent. It is difficult to identify and even harder to deal with.

However thanks to work by CAFCAS and Resolution the courts, solicitors and other family law professionals are getting better at identifying it and helping families through what is a really difficult and damaging situation for the children and the alienated parent.

In this interview Zoe Fleetwood Partner at Reeves and Mills shares her vast experience on dealing with these complex cases. Zoe is a highly experienced children lawyer, Zoë heads the firm’s children law team. Well-known for handling complex cases, Zoë’s experience includes child abduction, wardship, surrogacy, adoption and forced marriage, as well as disputes involving allegations of abuse. Zoë’s cases often have an international dimension.

Committed to children’s rights and ensuring the best outcome, Zoë has considerable experience of representing children directly.

In this interview we cover:

What is parental alienation?

How do you identify it?

What are your options?

How does the court deal with it?

What are the timescales?

Do you need to work with a particular solicitor on these cases?

If you believe you are dealing with parental alienation this a must watch in what to do next.

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