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How to successfully navigate the 5 emotional stages of divorce

19 Oct

Learn the tools and techniques to help you through the 5 emotional stages of your divorce to get you to acceptance quicker.

Nichole Farrow in her office

In this video I take you through tools and techniques to help you navigate the 5 emotional stages of divorce successfully. Those being;

Denial - 'This will all blow over'

Anger - 'I hate him / her'

Bargaining - 'What if I had done xyz'

Depression - 'I always be on my own, what's the point?'

Acceptance - 'Ultimately, this was a healthy choice for me'

Each stage has it's on trials and tribulations and you can end up stuck for some time, even way after your divorce has been finalised. We the tools and guidance in this video you will build your awareness of what is happening emotionally and mentally as each stage and learn the tools and techniques to overcome it. So you can move on stronger, better, happier and make really healthy choices that will benefit you and your family, and in a much shorter time period.

If you are struggling with coming to terms with your divorce or moving on I urge you to watch this video download the tools and take back control of your divorce narrative. If you need any help contact me and my team through the contact us page.

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Learn the tools and techniques for successfully navigating the 5 emotional stages of divorce, so you come out stronger, better, happier in a shorter amount of time.

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