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Reflect, learn and move on

26 Dec

This is a great exercise for assessing where you are in relation to what you want and will help you get 2022 off to a great start. 

Ferris wheel light up at night

As this year draws to a close it is often a time of reflection. 2021 has not been the easiest year for any of us with the global pandemic still raging, but if you are going through a divorce or separation understandably you are probably looking forward to seeing the back of 2021 more than most. I don’t blame you, I felt the same when I got divorced. That year I skipped Christmas altogether, took off from Heathrow on Christmas eve and landed in Sydney on Boxing Day. For me, it was all about New Year’s Eve, I couldn’t wait for the year to be over and was completely focused on making the most of the next year. I spent the month of January travelling around Australia reflecting on where I was, what I had been through and what I wanted next. If you are in the same place as I was then this exercise will really help. 

In order to know where you are going, you have to know where you’ve been. Take time to reflect on this year, no matter how hard it has been don’t write it off. Instead celebrate it, even if it is just the fact you made it through in one piece and know that next year will be better.  

To help with your reflections ask yourself the following:

What are you most proud of?

What are the stand out moments of 2021? 

What have you learned?

What are you most grateful for?

Who are you most grateful for?

What have you not enjoyed?

What do you need to leave behind in 2021?

What do you need take forward and have more of in 2022?

What are you most looking forward to about 2022?

Where do you want to be this time next year?

Another great exercise is The Wheel of Life. This will help you evaluate where you are in each area of you life  in relation to where you want to be. This is a great practice to get into  each year to see how far you have come as you close the gap on where you are and meeting your goals.

free resource

Download your your own wheel of life here.

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